A New Look for a New Website

As an artist, I try to be as open and vulnerable as possible with my readers. In the digital, #InstagramPoet age, that can be tough as you can only view me through a rose-colored, square sized lens.

Enter: A new website.

Enter: A fresh, rebranded new website.

With the help from my incredible, talented, lovely friend J., we were able to create something very magical and light. My goal was to give you an intimate view into my heart and life while also making it easier to provide custom poetry.

How to navigate:

Take a stroll through my life, and loves in the Gallery.

Order a custom poem for you, your partner, your dog or anyone else you love.

Read a poetry collection in the bubble bath, outside, on the lap of your love.

Want to chat? Cool. Me too.

I want to connect with you. I want my words, and your feelings to collide. This is a start.

Write More. Love More. Care More. 

- S. Elizabeth


Yellow Light: a Journey of Woes and Passion


Yellow Light : Coming to a Bookstore Near You